All posts by: Barbara Bates

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Niswonger Foundation Partners With Ballad Health to Define School Readiness

            The Niswonger Foundation partners with Ballad Health to convene the Northeast Tennessee Consortium of School Districts to define school readiness and identify a universal screener tool for the region. With support from Ballad Health’s Department of Population Health through the community Health improvement program, the Niswonger Foundation has convened the […]

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Niswonger Foundation’s CareerConnect Participants Welcome Marlin White, Program Contributor

On Friday, January 13, a select group of the Niswonger Foundation’s CareerConnect students, known as Explorers, gathered for a special opportunity to meet two regional business leaders and learn about their journeys to career success.  The students were joined by Marlin White, President of Chasan Industrial Complex, Greeneville; and Scott Niswonger, local businessman, philanthropist, Chairman […]

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    The Niswonger Foundation was established in 2001 to make a positive and sustainable difference in education in Northeast Tennessee. This dream was envisioned by Scott M. Niswonger, who founded Landair Transport, Inc. and Forward Air Corporation. These companies were the first two Greeneville-based companies to be taken public in the history of Greene County, Tennessee. Jointly, the companies have combined annual revenue of over one-billion-dollars and employ more than 5000 people.


    223 North Main Street
    P.O. Box 1508
    Greeneville, TN 37744


    (423) 820-8181


    (423) 588-5933