Stephanie has 20 years of teaching experience in Tennessee public schools. Prior to teaching 6th and 8th grade ELA for the last seven years, Stephanie worked as a guidance counselor and special education teacher, started behavior programs for high school and elementary students, taught special education at the middle school level, started a district-wide program for students with autism, and taught 6th grade math and science. She has served as a personalized learning facilitator, district-wide personalized learning coach, Secondary Literacy Council member, and as a SCORE education fellow. Stephanie is certified as a level 1 and level 2 Google educator and an Education Elements personalized learning teacher. She has served in many teacher leader roles throughout her career and been recognized as the Rotary Middle School Teacher of the Year for Putnam County in 2011 and Algood Middle School’s Teacher of the Year in 2018. Stephanie is passionate about equity in student achievement opportunities and closing gaps by providing high-quality rigorous opportunities for all students every day; middle schoolers are her favorite people. Stephanie has been married to Jerry Boyd for 27 years and has three children. Killian is 26 and a graduate of TTU with a history degree; Calista is a 22 year old doctoral student at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville studying comparative politics and statistics; Silas is 19 and majoring in chemical engineering at Tennessee Tech University.
The Niswonger Foundation was established in 2001 to make a positive and sustainable difference in education in Northeast Tennessee. This dream was envisioned by Scott M. Niswonger, who founded Landair Transport, Inc. and Forward Air Corporation. These companies were the first two Greeneville-based companies to be taken public in the history of Greene County, Tennessee. Jointly, the companies have combined annual revenue of over one-billion-dollars and employ more than 5000 people.
223 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1508
Greeneville, TN 37744
(423) 820-8181
(423) 588-5933