Rural Life Happenings
Rural LIFE kicked off its third year by welcoming 31 new schools to the program. During an introductory meeting in March, principals and central office personnel learned about the program. In June, lead teachers joined their principals in a two-day virtual onboarding event. Rural LIFE coaches are currently developing school plans with principals and lead teachers from each school.
Brandi Wilson lives in Kingsport, Tennessee. She holds a Bachelor’s degree and Masters in Educational Leadership. She has taught at the elementary, middle and collegiate levels.
Tracy Ballew has been teaching secondary ELA since 2001. For the last 13 years, she has enjoyed classroom teaching at Seymour High School, having been afforded the opportunity to serve as department chair, mentor, and eventually administration. She earned her doctorate in 2017.
During the summer, Rural LIFE hosted its second annual summer institute for area educators. Over 200 teachers and leaders attended more than forty virtual sessions covering a range of topics.
Presenters included Rural LIFE coaches, Niswonger Foundation staff, local teachers and leaders, and internationally recognized educators.